Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Brisket, Burnt Ends, and Potato Salad

Picked up a 15 pound brisket, and threw it on at 7pm last night. It was just a little too big for the grate, so i cut a small piece off the flat. By 8:30 this morning, it was done!! Wrapped in foil and placed in a cooler with blankets to hold it at temp. Before i did that, i removed the point, and chopped that little extra flat piece, and threw them back on the cooker with some sauce, to make some burnt ends. Made a little homemade Potato Bacon salad. Should be a good Sunday Supper!

Raw and ready for smoke

13 hours later, with the point still sttached

The point chopped and mixed with some Jim Daddies Hickory sauce. in about 2 hours, these will be crispy and melt in your mouth tender at the same time.

Finished Burnt Ends

Finished Brisket

Time to Eat!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks fab. Great pictures.

if you are looking for a Turkey Deep Fryer, visit grillsdirect

Unknown said...

Great Job!!!!!